Submission Guidelines
- Only original plays never before produced are eligible.
- Plays must contain a fantastical element.
- The play, exclusive of title and cast pages, may be no more than ten pages. This means 7-10 pages in 12-point font. Longer plays will not be considered.
- The play should have minimal props and costumes.
- Assemble script as follows:
- The first page is a title page with the play’s title, author’s name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. (This is the only place the author’s name should appear.)
- The second page should contain a cast of characters and time and place information.
- The third page will be the first page of the script. The other pages of the play follow.
- The name of the play and the page number should appear on every page.
- The play’s running time must be 10 minutes or less.
- Only the top three finalists will be notified of judging results. All plays are judged through a blind submission process by a panel of judges. The top three finalists will be notified by February 1. The judges reserve the right to choose fewer than three finalists.
- Authors agree to permit the International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts to produce a directed reading of their contest-entry play if the conference should wish to do so. Authors retain copyright and full ownership of their plays.
- Deadline: Submissions must be received by midnight October 31.
- Submissions should be sent as Word-compatible e-mail attachments to the IAFA 2nd Vice President:
Sydney Duncan