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Disasters, Apocalypses, and Catastrophes: PCA/ACA 2018 3/28-3/31 Indianapolis

deadline for submissions:
October 1, 2017

full name / name of organization:
Pop Culture/American Culture Association

contact email:

PCA/ACA 2018 Indianapolis, IN

Disasters, Apocalypses, and Catastrophes (Ficociello and Bell)

The PCA/ACA annual conference is March 28 through March 31 in Indianapolis, Indiana

Key Dates:

Jul 1 Database Opens for Submissions

Oct 1 Registration Opens

Oct 1 Deadline for Paper Proposals

Oct 15 All Sessions Entered into the Database by Area Chairs

Nov 15 Early Bird Registration Rate Ends

Dec 1 Preliminary Program Available

Dec 15 “Drop Dead” Date: Participants Not Registered Removed from Program

Jan 1, 2018 Final Program to the Publisher

All Proposals & Abstracts Must Be Submitted Through The PCA Database:

Please submit a proposal to only one area at a time. Exceptions and rules


Disasters, Apocalypses, and Catastrophes

In a hyper-mediated global culture, disaster events reach us with great speed and digital detail, and we begin forming, interpreting, and historicizing catastrophes simultaneously with people worldwide. Are we inside the era of disasters or are we merely inundated by mediated accounts of events categorized as catastrophic? How do these mediated accounts affect policy, poverty, and the public? Of particular interest is the question of what role do academics play in disaster culture and policy?

Disasters, Apocalypses, and Catastrophes offers a forum for these questions and critical approaches surrounding the culture of disasters, catastrophes, accidents, and apocalypses in global art, literature, media, film, and popular culture. Disasters, Apocalypses, and Catastrophes will address broader disciplinary topics and innovative intersections of humanities, musicology, social science, literature, film, visual art, psychology, game studies, material culture, media studies, ecology, and information technology.

General Topics

Eco Criticism, Eco Culture

Trump Administration and Climate Policy

Global Warming, Climate Change

Deniers of climate change

Disaster capitalism

War Ecology

Slow Violence


Native Cultures and Eco-policies

TV and Film: The Walking Dead, The Leftovers, Falling Skies, The Dome, etc.

Zombie and Apocalyptic imaginaries

Social Media and disasters

Doomsday preppers

History and disasters
Eco/Culture Events

Disasters in popular culture
Time and temporalities of disasters
Representations and narration of disaster
Disasters and personal narratives
Disaster aesthetics
Cultures of risk and uncertainty
Disaster metaphors, concepts and symbolic forms
Ethics and politics of disasters
Natural disasters in climate rhetoric
Disaster literature and art
Notions of national identity through disaster representation
Portraying suffering in news, digital culture, literature, and TV
Affective responses to disaster in local, national, and global contexts
Celebrity humanitarianism and disaster engagement
Distinctions between man-made and natural disaster
Public, private, and nonprofit responses to disaster
The ideological and financial interests of global capitalism in the recovery process
Epidemics, pandemics, and disease

All Proposals & Abstracts Must Be Submitted Through The PCA Database:
Please submit a proposal to only one area at a time. Exceptions and rules

Questions may be addressed to either:

Robert Ficociello
Holy Family University

Philadelphia, PA

Robert Bell
Loyola University
New Orleans, LA