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The Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts (JFA) requests applications from individuals interested in becoming part of a diverse Editorial Collective who will serve as editors-in-chief for the journal. Published since 1988, JFA is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes analyses of fantastic works in any medium; it is published three times a year. It welcomes submissions that address texts published in multiple languages and is open to work from a wide range of methodologies across the humanities and the social sciences. JFA is the official publication of the International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts (IAFA). For more information about the journal, please see

The Editorial Collective will be responsible for ensuring the overall intellectual quality of the journal and for setting priorities for special issues and similar initiatives. They will oversee the peer review process assisted by a volunteer Submissions Editor appointed by the President with approval of the IAFA Board and the selection of material for publication that provides new, original, and important contributions to the field. They will also be assisted by a volunteer Managing Editor also appointed by the President with approval of the IAFA Board, who will assist with record keeping, subscription management, distribution, other clerical tasks, and typesetting for production. The Editorial Collective will furthermore be assisted by an advisory editorial board whose membership they will curate, and by the IAFA Board, to whom they will report. The Editorial Collective may write editorials and introductions, solicit manuscripts, and set the direction for special issues (for which they may assign guest editors). The Editorial Collective may also appoint Associate Editors to assist with the day-to-day operations of the journal. The Editorial Collective is responsible for ensuring that JFA follows ethical policies for scholarly review and publishing, and that content for the journal is ready for publication on the required schedule.

The IAFA Board will provide mentorship for the Editorial Collective as may be desired and will work with the Managing Editor to secure a printer for the journal; the Editorial Collective will advise the Board regarding the journal’s transition to an on-line format. IAFA will fund the costs of printing and distributing the journal. Subscription to the journal is a benefit of IAFA membership.

There is no compensation for this position, which is a volunteer scholarly position. Appointments to the Editorial Collective will be for a five-year term, with an opportunity to renew one’s appointment for subsequent terms without mandated limit. The established Editorial Collective will have the opportunity to provide input on renewals of appointments moving forward.

Those interested in applying for this position should send the following to Dale Knickerbocker, IAFA President (

A current CV; previous editorial experience is desirable but not required
• A statement of interest in the position outlining the candidate’s priorities for JFA’s future
• A statement of contributions to diversity within the scholarly community

Candidates should also arrange for one letter of recommendation addressing the candidates’ scholarly knowledge and potential, ability to work collaboratively and in a timely manner, the quality of their writing and their commitment to diversity within the scholarly community. Further recommendations may be requested from finalists. Letters should be sent to the e-mail listed above.

Applications are due 9/27/2021. After an initial review of the candidates, the IAFA Board will conduct online interviews with the candidates.

This search will be kept open until a diverse group is formed.