On the Shoulders of Giants
TitanCon 2020
Belfast, Ireland
August 28-30, 2020
Call for Papers
In the spirit of deepening and broadening its roots, Titancon 2020 is adding a formal academic track to its programming. The convention began as a collaboration between the Brotherhood Without Banners, who wanted to put on a fan convention for Game of Thrones, the Belfast SF/F society The Other Ones, who wanted to put on an SF/F convention, and Arkham Gaming Centre, who wanted to put on a gaming convention. In keeping with that spirit, our theme “On the Shoulders of Giants” hopes to encourage that spirit of collaboration.
We particularly encourage papers that focus on the work of our three guests of honor: Jeanette Ng, Jodi Taylor, and Robert J Sawyer. Papers may more generally consider women’s voices and themes of diversity in SF/F. The intersections of SF/F literature and other media, such as television, film, or graphic novels are other areas that might be explored, particularly in light of Robert J Sawyer and George RR Martin. Papers on Game of Thrones could focus on the show, the novels, the intersection of the two, fan reaction, or the importance of the show to Northern Ireland itself. We also welcome papers that focus on SF/F television and film generally. Fan studies and Game studies might consider particularly Irish or SF/F themes. Finally, we would also invite papers that focus particularly on Irish SF/F and Irish or SF/F graphic novels.
Proposals of 250 to 300 words and a brief 50 word biography of the author should be sent to lmackle2@uwo.ca or dgrace2@uwo.ca by February 15, 2020. Acceptances will be sent by March 15, 2020. Any queries can be sent to the above emails.