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Monthly Archives: August 2016

Why Afrofuturism, Why Now? (NeMLA 2017, March 23-26, Baltimore)

deadline for submissions:
September 30, 2016

full name / name of organization:
NeMLA 2017

contact email:

48th Annual Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association
March 23-26, 2017
Baltimore, Maryland

This session seeks papers that explore the temporal, geographical and aesthetic parameters of Afrofuturism. Within and beyond the academy, the speculative has emerged as central to black critical inquiry, creative expression, and theories of subjectivity and citizenship. In literature, visual and the performative arts, indeed in the global black cultural imaginary, the speculative is the discourse of our times. This panel asks “Why Afrofuturism, Why Now?” What is it about our contemporary moment that demands, solicits and activates the fantastic? Moreover, how do we understand the fantastic, futurist and speculative as modes of cultural production that trespass borders between high and low art, lived and imagined, theoretical and fictional, abstract and embodied, local and transnational?

Our panel proceeds from the premise that Afrofuturism is not solely a condition or expression of posthumanism, technological innovation or digitization but a re-visitation of late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century black sonic and textual cultures. While Mark Dery’s 1994 essay “Black to the Future” is widely viewed as consolidating an emergent expressive form, this “new” aesthetic reflects an enduring commitment to the speculative in black narrative and sonic expression from the nineteenth century onward. As ante- and postbellum works by Martin Delany, Pauline Hopkins, Sutton Griggs, and W.E.B. Du Bois show, making sense of the black present is inherently a futuristic endeavor. The papers in this panel will explore fictional, theoretical, sonic, performative, and visual expressions of futurity as constitutive of black thought and being.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to, black performativity, sound studies, black speculative fiction, literature of the black fantastic, black futurity in the visual, sonic and digital arts, black comic books, pulp fiction, and black critical theory.

Deadline for abstracts: September 30, 2016

Interested scholars should submit 250 word abstracts to Maleda Belilgne through the NeMLA website using the link below.

The World in 2050: Imagining and Creating Just Climate Futures

deadline for submissions:
August 15, 2016

full name / name of organization:
University of California, Santa Barbara

contact email:

The World in 2050: Imagining and Creating Just Climate Futures

A call for papers

We invite presentations of all kinds on the theme of “The World in 2050: Imagining and Creating Just Climate Futures” for an online, nearly carbon-neutral conference (described below) that will take place from October 24 to November 14, 2016. Coordinated by UC Santa Barbara, this conference is part of a series of events on “Climate Futures: This Changes Everything” []

The most pressing existential issue of the 21st century for humanity as a whole is the increasingly grim reality of climate change and our entry into a new era in the history of humans and the planet well signified by the Anthropocene. The changing conditions of life on Earth lie at the center of a storm of interconnected crises which include, among others, the precarity of the global economy, a widening deficit of political legitimacy, and cultures scarred by violence, from the most intimate interpersonal interactions to the most global realities of war-making.

Unlike either the justifiably pessimistic critical discussions or the unrealistically optimistic policy approaches that increasingly confront (or ignore) each other around the climate crisis, this conference will depart from our present ground zero by asking participants to experiment with perspectives on the multiple possible states of the world in mid-century and work back toward the present in an attempt to imagine, envision, enable, and collaboratively find or create some of the pathways to a more just  – or just less worse – outcome for humanity by 2050.

Please note that this will be a nearly carbon-neutral conference. We believe that a conference that takes up the issue of climate change while simultaneously contributing to the problem to such a degree is simply unconscionable. Even a relatively small academic conference can generate the equivalent of 20,000 pounds or more of CO2 (chiefly from travel). To put that number in perspective, this is the total annual carbon footprint of ten people living in India, thirty-three in Kenya.

Consequently, this conference will largely occur online. Over a period of three weeks, starting on October 24 and running through November 10, accepted talks and other events will be available for viewing on the conference website. Q&A will also take place online during this period, as participants and registered attendees will be able to connect with speakers and each other via online comments and speakers will be able to reply in the same way. Both the talks and Q&A sessions will remain up on the website as a permanent archive of the event.

A conference using this format was staged at UC Santa Barbara in May of 2016. As that conference’s website [] contains a complete archive of the event, please visit it if you would like to see how this conference will work. In particular, the opening remarks and the accompanying Q&A session [] help explain the rationale for this approach while also demonstrating it.

While we realize that this will not replicate the face-to-face interaction of a conventional conference talk and Q&A, we believe that it will nonetheless promote lively discussion, as well as help build a community of scholars and activists with intersecting research interests and hopes for the world. An advantage to this approach is that individuals who would not otherwise be able to become involved in the conference owing to distance, daily life, or financial constraints will be able to fully take part. There will be no registration fee for the conference. Although this online conference will have its own carbon footprint, as data centers and web activity also require energy, we expect that this will be only a small fraction of that of a conventional conference, likely just 1-3%.

Instead of traveling to the conference to attend panels and deliver a talk, speakers agree to do the following:

1) Film yourself (or yourself with others) giving a talk of 15-17 minutes. The webcams that come with desktop and laptop computers have improved dramatically over the past few years. Aftermarket webcams with noise cancelling microphones, which can be purchased for under $50, often provide even better quality. It is also the case that most computers have video recording software preinstalled, such as Apple’s QuickTime. Consequently, it is now possible, and relatively easy, to record a talk of surprisingly good quality in your home, office, or just about anywhere. How easy is it and how good is the quality? A sample talk that explains the concept and process in detail can be found here:

2) Take part in your three-week online Q&A session by responding to questions raised by your talk. You will automatically receive an email each time a new question is posed. Only registered conference participants (this includes speakers, as well as others who register for the conference) will be posing questions.

3) View as many of the talks as possible, posing questions of your own to speakers. This is especially important, as this is how you will meet and interact with other conference participants. Given the subject matter, our goal is help establish relationships and to build a community. In this case, since travel has been removed from the equation, our hope is that this community will be diverse and truly global.

Abstracts of 250 words and a brief biographical note of about 150 words should be submitted as one document [Word or pdf, only please] by August 15 and attached in a single e-mail copied to both of the following e-mail addresses: conference co-organizer John Foran – and our conference assistant Rick Thomas  –

We welcome all international submissions if the talks themselves can be either in English or subtitled (see below) in English.  The Q&A will be in English. You should also please confirm that you have viewed the sample video and agree both to the above conference requirements and to allow your filmed talk to be posted to the conference website, as well as our Vimeo, YouTube, and SoundCloud accounts. As noted above, the talks will become part of a permanent conference archive open to the public.

Amara provides free closed captioning software that allows anyone to caption videos. As they note on their website, Amara makes it “incredibly easy (and free) to caption and translate your videos…. Amara is built by a nonprofit, 501c3 organization. We are driven by the mission to reduce barriers to communication and foster a more democratic media ecosystem.” Because it does not require a steep learning curve, Amara can generally be quickly learned. Since our goal is to have a conference that is accessible as possible, please consider using Amara to add closed captioning to your talk or have someone (perhaps a student intern or a tech-savvy friend) do it for you. If you will not be able to closed caption your talk, please note this when submitting your abstract.

Abstracts are due by Monday, August 15, 2016.

Participants will be informed whether their submissions have been accepted or not by Monday, August 29, 2016.

Videos of the talks will be due by Monday, October 10, 2016.

The online conference will take place from Monday, October 24 to Monday, November 14, 2016.

Please send any questions to conference co-organizers John Foran – and Ken Hiltner –


Please feel free to be as creative as you like in your proposals – we look forward to seeing them!

The Biannual International Margaret Cavendish Society Conference

deadline for submissions:
January 9, 2017

full name / name of organization:
Lisa Walters/Liverpool Hope University

contact email:

The International Margaret Cavendish Society is pleased to announce that the next biannual conference is set to take place on June 22nd-24th, 2017 at Bates College, Maine. Professor Carolyn Merchant from the University of California, Berkeley, will be the keynote speaker.  Preference will be given to abstracts that closely relate to the conference theme, but all talks about Cavendish, her family, and related subjects will be considered.   The conference theme is “Margaret Cavendish: Reception and Representations.”   Cavendish has increasingly garnered intense academic interest during the past twenty five years by scholars from a wide range of disciplines such as literature, history of science, philosophy, history and politics. She is also increasingly becoming a figure of interest in popular culture, as attested to by Siri Hustvedt’s The Blazing World and Danielle Dutton’s Margaret the First: A Novel. Regardless of the interest that she sparks and publications devoted to her, old caricatures and stereotypes of Cavendish still stubbornly remain within both popular culture and academia alike. Indeed, she still provokes aversion in many disciplines. It is our intent that this interdisciplinary conference will explore and investigate reactions to Cavendish by her own contemporaries as well as by writers from the late seventeenth century up to the twenty first century. We aim to gain insight into how and why Cavendish has been loved, hated and/or ignored as tastes and socio-cultural norms evolved. On a broader level, the conference will consider who or what hinders writers and/or certain ideas from being canonical or acceptable. An official call for papers will go out in August, 2016. The program committee (yet to be formed) will look at abstracts as they come in and will try to get decisions to authors quickly. We also will post advice on transportation and accommodation for the conference. We expect there will be both inexpensive dormitory housing and reasonably priced motels, perhaps with a shuttle bus to campus for the motels. Please check the Margaret Cavendish Society website in August for further details.