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Dear all,

anyone and everyone who hasn’t yet submitted a paper/panel/roundtable proposal has less than 48 hours to do so! All the instructions are online at . Do remember that, unlike in previous years, when conference directors exercised a degree of leniency with deadlines, Rebecca, Mike, and Victor won’t be able to do so now. Since we’re partnering with WisCon, who are helping us enormously with the logistics, we also depend on their timelines and deadlines, which are much stricter.

So don’t wait and send your abstract now! Everyone registering for the conference has access to WisCon’s programming. And we have great guest scholars and writers. And it’s a great deal – only 50 USD conference fee for both events.



SFRA 2014/Wiscon 38 Joint Conference

Feminism, Fans, and the Future: Traveling the Shifting Worlds of Writers, Readers, Gender, and Race in Science Fiction


Conference Co- Chairs: Michael Levy, Rebecca J. Holden, Victor Raymond

Dates: May 22-25, 2014

Venue: Inn on the Park<>, Madison, WI
