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CFP: Science Fiction and Fantasy SW/TX PCA/ACA (12/1/12; 2/13-16/2013)

Join us for the 34rd Annual Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Associations Conference, February 13-16, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Area chairs of the Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Associations ( invite paper or panel proposals on any aspect of science fiction in print, film, or other media.

Proposal submission deadline: November 16, 2012

Any and all topics will be considered. Past presentations have covered a variety of topics including British sci-fi TV, Fan Studies, Race, gender, sexuality, and socio-economic class, science fiction and fantasy and pedagogy, adaptation and a variety of texts from the Harry Potter books to the film Splice to Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Submit 250-word paper or 500 word panel proposals to the 2013 SWTX Presenter Database. Choose the area “Science Fiction & Fantasy – General.” This online submission database will be available after September 15. If you are experiencing difficulties with the website, please email your proposal to the address listed below.)

Direct questions to: Ximena Gallardo, or Rikk Mulligan,

Early Bird Registration Deadline is December 31, 2012.

Conference hotel:
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710
Conference Rate Reservations can be made through

For more details on the conference, please visit the Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association:

Follow us on Facebook & Twitter: and @swtxsffchairs

More about the SF&F Area:
With an average of 70+ presenters annually, The Science Fiction and Fantasy Area of the Southwest and Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Association is one of the most dynamic and well attended areas at the conference. Numerous book and article publications have originated from our panels.

The Area was founded in 1995 by Prof. Richard Tuerk of the Texas A&M University-Commerce (formerly East Texas State University) and author of Oz in Perspective (McFarland, 2007). The Area is currently chaired by Ximena Gallardo C. of the City University of New York-LaGuardia and co-author of Alien Woman: The Making of Lt. Ellen Ripley (Continuum: 2004); Rikk Mulligan of Longwood University, author of “Zombie Apocalypse: Plague and the End of the World in Popular Culture” (End of Days, McFarland 2009); Tamy Burnett of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, co-editor of The Literary Angel (McFarland, 2010); Brian Cowlishaw of Northeastern State University, author of “No Future Shock Here: The Jetsons, Happy Tech, and the Patriarchy” (The Galaxy is Rated G, McFarland: 2011); and Susan Fanetti. Though the co-chairs consult on submissions, Ximena and Rikk are primarily responsible for the general organization of the conference panels and coordinate special panels, Tamy coordinates annual special topics related to SFF television, this year including Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, and Doctor Who, Brian reviews and organizes the literature panels and other special topics (this year Game of Thrones and The Hunger Games), and Susan coordinates the Whedonverse panels (Buffy, Firefly, Angel).

Area Co-Chair Names: Tamy Burnett, Brian Cowlishaw, Susan Fanetti, Ximena Gallardo, Rikk Mulligan.