The IAFA is now accepting applications for the position of Head of the Science Fiction Literature Division, effective immediately.
The Division Head creates and publicizes the CFP for his/her Division, collects and accepts paper proposals, creates paper sessions, helps to create panels, selects and runs the SF Theory roundtable reading and coordinates all Division programming with the 1st Vice President for scheduling. This Division is responsible for all papers and panels on science fiction literature in English (the International division handles non-English works; works in media other than print are handled by the relevant media division).
Qualifications include current membership with IAFA, knowledge of the field of sf literature (primary texts and criticism), frequent and dependable internet access, comfort working with computers, organizational skills and the ability to work as part of a group. It is preferable that candidates have some history with the conference and thus are familiar with its structure. Candidates must be willing to begin transition work with the current Division Head, Sherryl Vint, immediately, and must attend the annual conference in March during the years of tenure as Division Head. Responsibilities also include attending the Division Heads meeting at the conference and responding to any problems at the conference, such as filling in as moderator if need be and the like. Division Heads hold office for a term of 3 years (with a probationary first year) with the possibility of renewal for a second 3-year term.
If you’re interested in taking on the work of SF Division Head, please contact Sherryl Vint, 1st Vice President (, with a brief statement about your interest in and qualifications for the job. The IAFA board of directors will consider all applications for the position.
The deadline for applications is May 1, 2010; a decision will be made by June 2010.