I’m happy to announce some additions to our editorial staff. We have two new Associate Editors and a new Editorial Assistant.
Derek Thiess is Assistant Professor at University of North Georgia, where he has just gotten tenure. He says that his interests cross most areas of the fantastic, though sf has been his primary focus. He is working on a book examining the juncture of sf and folk tale—especially as regards violence and myth and has been active with the Folk and Fairy tale group at ICFA He is excited to take a more active role at JFA and looks forward to working with everyone.
Emily Midkiff is at the University of North Dakota) and publishes on speculative fiction and children’s literature, including her forthcoming interdisciplinary book about science fiction for young children. In addition to academic pursuits, she has performed professionally with the children’s theater group Middle-earth Studios and worked as an assistant editor for the indie children’s and YA fantasy publisher Month9Books. She is also the incoming registrar for the IAFA.
Erin Seaward-Hiatt has taken over the role of Editorial Assistant for the Journal, as Paul Williams moves to a fellowship (congratulations on that!). Erin is a doctoral student in English at ISU and is also an experienced book designer and editor (some of her work can be found at http://erindesignsbooks.com/).